Stats are only tracked when the HLL developers add them. For example, career kills prior to April 2021 have not been saved.
If you are a new player, there will be no issues with your stats. However, players that have played since 2021 will potentially have issues with Win / Loss Ratio and other calculated ratios.
If you are a new player, there will be no issues with your stats. However, players that have played since 2021 will potentially have issues with Win / Loss Ratio and other calculated ratios.
Not Tracked
- Career deaths
- Career losses
- Career kills by weapon
- Amount of garrisons / outposts built
- Highest kill streak
- Career losses
- Career kills by weapon
- Amount of garrisons / outposts built
- Highest kill streak
Initial Tracked Stats Dates
Patch 7 - September 26, 2019
- Career experience
- Roles experience
- Roles experience
Update 9 - March 25, 2021
- Headshots kills
- Artillery kills
- Vehicles destroyed
- Sector captures
- Map stats for: Carentan, Hill 400, PHL, Omaha, Utah, Hurtgen, SME, Foy, SMDM
- Offensive / Warfare wins
- Dropped ammo boxes
- Dropped supplies
- Dropped supplies from Supply Trucks
- Used supplies
- Amount of Engineer buildings built (nodes, repair stations, bunkers, barricades, barbed wires, Belgian gates)
- Artillery kills
- Vehicles destroyed
- Sector captures
- Map stats for: Carentan, Hill 400, PHL, Omaha, Utah, Hurtgen, SME, Foy, SMDM
- Offensive / Warfare wins
- Dropped ammo boxes
- Dropped supplies
- Dropped supplies from Supply Trucks
- Used supplies
- Amount of Engineer buildings built (nodes, repair stations, bunkers, barricades, barbed wires, Belgian gates)
Update 10 - July 27, 2021
- No stats added
Update 11 - December 2021
- Knife/Spade kills
- Map stats for: Stalingrad, Kursk
- Map stats for: Stalingrad, Kursk
Update 12 - July 19, 2022
- Map stats for: Remagen, Night Maps
- Flare gun spots
- Half-track MG kills
- Tanks destroyed
- Infantry kills (Total and Factions)
- Commendations
- Flare gun spots
- Half-track MG kills
- Tanks destroyed
- Infantry kills (Total and Factions)
- Commendations
Update 13 - December 6, 2022
- Map stats for: Kharkov
- Half-track spawns
- Flamethrower kills
- Jeep crush kills
- Molotovs thrown
- Dropped jeep ammo boxes
- Half-track spawns
- Flamethrower kills
- Jeep crush kills
- Molotovs thrown
- Dropped jeep ammo boxes
Update 14 - May 25, 2023
- Map stats for: Driel, El Alamein
- Map tracking for Stalingrad / Kursk were added in U11, while the maps were added in U10. This may mess up the Win / Loss Ratio.
- Headshots and artillery kill stats were added over a year before total kills were tracked. This will mess up ratios between headshots and total kills.
- Headshots and artillery kill stats were added over a year before total kills were tracked. This will mess up ratios between headshots and total kills.
Total Games
Carentan + Hill 400 + PHL + Omaha + Utah + Hurtgen + SME + Foy + SMDM + Stalingrad + Kursk + Remagen + Kharkov + Driel + El Alamein
Total Wins
Offensive wins + Warfare wins
Total Losses
Total Games - Total Wins
Win / Loss Ratio
Total Wins / Total Losses
Role Level
Roles go up to level 10 ingame. However, following the HLL developer's formula, role levels higher than 10 can be calculated.
Level 1 is less than 1000.
Past that, the exp difference is the past exp difference plus 4,000.
1,000 exp to get to level 1.
1,000 + 4,000 = 5,000 exp needed to level 2.
5,000 + 4,000 = 9,000 exp needed to level 3.
Past that, the exp difference is the past exp difference plus 4,000.
1,000 exp to get to level 1.
1,000 + 4,000 = 5,000 exp needed to level 2.
5,000 + 4,000 = 9,000 exp needed to level 3.
Career Level
Career level go up to level 500 ingame. However, following the HLL developer's formula, career levels higher than 500 can be calculated.
Level 1 is less than 1000.
Past that, the exp difference is the past exp difference plus 500.
1,000 exp to get to level 2.
1,000 + 500 = 1,500 exp needed to level 3.
1,500 + 500 = 2,000 exp needed to level 4.
Past that, the exp difference is the past exp difference plus 500.
1,000 exp to get to level 2.
1,000 + 500 = 1,500 exp needed to level 3.
1,500 + 500 = 2,000 exp needed to level 4.
Great Britain kills are not tracked on Steam because there is no related achievements.
Great Britain Kills = Total Kills - US Kills - Germany Kills - Russia Kills